about Spiritual Companioning

How it can help 

Meeting regularly with a Spiritual Companion offers a place to explore beliefs and longings about God, the Source, Divine mystery, to discover new truths and put aside those that no longer serve you. It is a safe place to explore new ideas, try on new perceptions, realize and practice new ways to relate to the world; It can be a place to gently and compassionately heal old wounds and learn new life enhancing practices.

Is it therapy?

No, it is not therapy though people experience considerable emotional relief and freedom as they deepen their understanding and experience of themselves and the Divine. They also often experience an integration of body, mind and spirit as they come to a deeper understanding of themselves, their God and their relationship to the world.

Do I have to have a religion?

Absolutely not.  If you do you practice in a particular tradition, that’s wonderful. Or you might want to explore different religions or have none at all- all are welcome. While many enjoy experiencing God in a church, temple or synagogue, it is not necessary to do so in order to develop a relationship with the Divine. We all have that Divine Spark, that greening energy and the key is willingness, willingness to be open.

How do we meet?

Usually I meet with people on-line—on Zoom, FaceTime. It’s convenient and easy to make appointments. If we’re in the same area, I’m happy to meet in person, pandemic permitting.

How often do we meet? 

The frequency of meetings is totally up to you. I meet with some people weekly, especially if they are experiencing some challenge for which they require spiritual support. Others I see once a month. I also offer groups so that is another option. 

What is the cost?

I want to offer this work in a sustainable way for everyone, so please contact me.



“Glory be to God for dappled things”

– Gerard Manly Hopkins